Urban Ranger Corps

Last updated on January 1, 1970

Schloegel Design Remodel, as part of its commitment to give back to the community, works with the Urban Rangers to help them achieve their mission.The Urban Rangers Corps recruits youths through high schools, churches and community centers to repair, paint and landscape homes in their own neighborhoods during the summer. The work is done at little or no cost to needy residents. The Rangers receive a paycheck and learn a set of skills and values while improving neighborhoods in need.

Schloegel Design Remodel helps the Urban Rangers through fundraising activities, hands-on training and by working on one of the homes on the model block. Jake Schloegel sits on the Urban Ranger Corps. Board of Directors.“I think our company and the Urban Rangers are a great fit,” Jake Schloegel said. “The Urban Rangers are committed to bringing back the homes in the urban core while working with the youth of the area at the same time. With our experience in renovation, there’s much we have to offer.”

During Jake’s three years on the board, he has come to appreciate the rangers in ways he never expected, and to understand the gravity of what the rangers face on a daily basis living in the inner-city.  “Unfortunately, the media, movies, etc. have painted a picture of the inner city that is not entirely correct.  There are a lot of kids in the inner city, who are exactly that: ‘kids.’  They are trying to get by, learn what they can, make life work, and hope in the future.  Meeting some of the ranger graduates, which I had the opportunity to do at the recent holiday luncheon, was truly uplifting.  There are a lot of inner city young men that are positive, smart, hard working and willing to do what it takes to be a contributor to our community, now and in the future.  I also like that the URC, in addition to paying rangers during their eight-weeks summer session, expects all rangers to do a certain amount of voluntary community service hours during the program’s school year session.”